Soap Of The Month Club-Lets Make Soap!
Soap Of The Month Club-Lets Make Soap!
Join our Soap of The Month Club to gain access to make a new batch of themed soap every month and continue to learn all the skills you need to be a successful Soaper.
Each month you will receive your themed soap ingredients (fragrance oil, botanical/additives and colorants) and we will create a new soap together. We will always go over basic soap making techniques including:
- Equipment needed
- Safety procedures
Q and A and much more
Don’t have time to gather everything yourself? We’ve got you covered! You can purchase our pre made kit that contains: re-measured oil, lye (Order our Soap Making 101: Soap Kit)
With this option you will only need to purchase oils and lye. We will supply you with our standard soap formulation, fragrance oil, botanicals, colorant and step by step instructions for every monthly theme.
So! Are you ready to start Soaping? Join our monthly Let’s Make Soap group!
Looking to start your own business or just sell your soaps at the local farmers market? I will be sharing all of the tips and tricks of the trade to help you be more successful from the very start. This is not just about making soap, it’s about sharing, information, brainstorming, and having all your questions answered.
Can’t join Live? We’ve got you covered!, as a member of our Soap of The Month Club, you will have unlimited access to all video uploads via zoom and our YouTube channel to view again and again!
Here's what's Included:
45+ mins Live Zoom Call
Fragrance Oil
Also, discounted access to pre-made soap kits and future online recorded videos
So! Are you ready to start Soaping? Join our monthly Let’s Make Soap group!