About Us
Our Story... Our Vision
I practice several holistic modalities to support and assist women to heal. I am a Womb Health Educator, Holistic Naturalpathic Skincre Practitioner, I am Certified in Yoni Steam, Tantra, Usui and Womb Reiki, Ordained Minister, and Creatress of Naturally For You Bath n Body and Feminine Health & Sensual Vitality products. I have been in the natural bath and body business for over 10 years. My passion was to create natural, organic body products and educate on how easy it is to incorporate natural skin care into our everyday lives to help promote better general health and well-being. In our journey to help my son, family and friends with multiple skin disorders such as; Seborrhea, Psoriasis, Eczema and normal cases of dry skin, we realized none of the national brand, and over-the-counter products currently on the market today were successful. I was a now a mother of a beautiful baby boy who just happened to have special needs. He wasn't able to communicate to me how he felt but I became aware that he had skin issues that the Dr and dermatologist weren't able to control with standard prescription drugs. Once I began to research ingredients in some of the over the counter medications myself, I quickly discovered that most of the stuff they were putting in my sons products was not fit for human consumption. To my surprise there wasn't anything on the market that was helping him at all, so I went to my kitchen and pulled out a few plant based oils and taught myself how to create a simple, yet effective lotion; and the rest is history. You see many of the bath & body products on the market today are not only unhealthy but contain synthetic, harmful ingredients and are potentially dangerous to our good health.We began research in hopes of finding answers to these plaguing and uncomfortable skin disorders and found that natural products mixed together produce the best and most effective moisturizers, and cleansers.
In 2015 I had a vision of expanding my business to include feminine health & sensual awareness. My product line now includes lotions soaps creams syrups facial products body polishes and Yoni (V) steaming herbs, Yoni herbal womb tonics, Yoni eggs and other feminine health products as well as Yoni Steaming, Energetic Womb Healing Reiki, Ancestral DNA and Crystal Healing along with other products and services designed to help heal repair and restore our natural feminine cycle.
My mission is to educate and facilitate the integration of mind, body and spirit connection, to awaken the consciousness by healing the world from the outside in, one womb at a time. Join with NFY and learn how to “Begin to love your skin from the outside in!”
About NFY
Although there are many companies who offer similar products as some of the one I make, they are not necessarily the same. This is one of the many reasons that drove me to begin creating and formulating products for myself, family and friends. As a consumer I want to know exactly what ingredients are in a product, why was the particular one chosen, is there a better alternative, what is the quality of ingredients chosen, etc.
As a Master creator, I do just that, I control the ingredients and can take into consideration special needs of many as well as the few. In particular is my line of Gluten Free products. My “Fragrance-Free, Casein-Free, Gluten-Free, Dye-Free, Peanut-Free, Soy-Free products offers people with specific health/diet concerns an inexpensive, local, truly natural alternative for skin care.