With all of the different scents being offered in our body products, have you ever thought of  what makes essential oils? Essential oils are considered “naturals” extracted from plant sources, They are naturally occurring substances found in different parts of plants.  



The oils are extracted via steam distillation or less frequently chemical extraction derived from the flowers, leaves, roots, resins, or bark,  grasses, needles & twigs, peel of fruit, wood and roots, for psychological and physical well-being.  Depending on the method and medium used, will determine the quantity and quality of oil extracted. In other words, you can have quality plant based material that is abundantly available, but a use a cheaper distillation method and the final product will be a lower quality less expensive essential oil, or you can have high quality less abundant plant based material, use a cleaner distillation method and the final product will be a high quality more expensive essential oils.  


Aromatherapy benefits, and diffusion, is the most common method of enjoying the benefits of essential oils. Natural products might be better quality, but harder to obtain in large quantities and not as readily available to the consumer.  The availability of  plants based sources as well as distillation methods also contributes to the final price of the oil.  There are obvious faults to both fragrance and essential oils, we must understand why and when to use them alone or in combination. A scent can transport us to a time or place, or evoke pleasant memories from the past, both fragrance and essential oils, but if we get stuck on which is better and why to use only one and not the other we miss the real meaning of scents and fragrances.

Naturally For You Bath n Body use essential oils for blending, but also use fragrances for those scents not available in nature. As a passionate soap making I understand the need responsibility combine the best of both essential oils and fragrance oils to enhance and our products and give the consumer a wonderful aromatherapy experience.

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